Saturday 22 June 2024

Backlist Bonanza Latest Release - Higher Ground

Higher Ground, the latest rerelease of my older M/M books, is out now on Amazon, and available on Kindle Unlimited. It will go on wide release later this year.

Higher Ground

Zach is impatient and likes to hurry. Adam likes to take it slow and to tease. But, they’d have worked it all out – if only the end of the world hadn’t gotten in the way.

Zach Benesh is sure his prediction is right – the island colony of Zahara is about to sink into the ocean. Adam Gray isn’t as certain, but he’s happy to follow the intense, brilliant geophysicist into the mountains to escape the flooding. Though he’d be even happier without three hundred other people – and their pets – tagging along.

But Zach’s prediction is right and as disaster begins to unfold towards an unstoppable, inevitable conclusion, the two young scientists must become a team in the fight to save their people. They draw strength from their rapidly developing relationship, but the higher Zach and Adam climb, the more difficult the tests they face – as lovers and as men.

Amazon UK
Amazon US

Sunday 2 June 2024

Vacant Possession now on wide release

Vacant Possession, my newest indie release, is on wide release now, after a stint exclusive to Amazon. If you enjoyed my non-romance sci-fi books Shoot the Humans First and The Battle of Hollow Jimmy, then I think you'll enjoy this.

Find buy links here. At time of posting this it's still being pushed out to different retailers, and some library services, so check again for your preferred store if it's not there yet.

Vacant Possession

An alien race is trying to take ownership of the Earth, decades after rescuing the survivors of an attack which killed most of humanity. The oldest woman alive, one of the last Earth-born humans, gathers a group to launch the smallest ever invasion of the deserted planet, in a bid to reclaim their lost home.

Eighty years ago, hostile aliens scoured most of humanity from the surface of the Earth with a monstrous weapon that left the planet uninhabitable for humans. Friendly alien rescuers helped the survivors build a refuge on the moon and people from all over the world united in this new home they called Tranquillity City. 

Only a handful of the original survivors are still alive. Now the city is populated by their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Most of those don't even think about their ancestral home planet.

But when the oldest human alive learns that the same aliens who rescued the last human survivors are petitioning the galactic court to allow them to take ownership of the uninhabited Earth, she knows what has to be done to reclaim their lost home planet.

It's time for humans to invade the Earth.

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Some of my older books aren't currently available, but will be back soon, published by JMS Books , and in some cases will eventually be ...