Landing Page - introduction and latest news

Hello, World. How have you all been?

You may remember me from:

  • Being an author, Becky Black, of same sex romance, or sci-fi.
  • Or you may be one of the really old school crowd who knew me as Junkfoodmonkey, writer of fanfic.
  • Doing NanoWriMo umpteen times.
  • Or maybe you're a new friend from Mastodon, or just curious. 

Whichever group you fall into, welcome to my blog!*

It's been a strange few years for me, even before that whole global pandemic business. My main novel publisher went out of business, about the same time as I started having menopause-induced writers block. But after several years of not writing, I'm getting my mojo back and am publishing again, and also republishing several of my old m/m erotic romance novels with my current publisher, JMS Books.

Check out my website for the latest news of releases and rereleases.

Find links to all my available books, at retailers of your choice, at Books2Read.

If you want to chat with me, say hi on Mastodon. or drop me a comment below.

This blog has no schedule, I'll post as and when I've got something to say and some news to announce.

* Blog? What is this, 2012? (Oh to be back in those halcyon days...)

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Please excuse the temporary inconvenience

Some of my older books aren't currently available, but will be back soon, published by JMS Books , and in some cases will eventually be ...